Friday, August 31, 2007

Let’s Go Travel The!

Launching in mid 2007, Let’s Go Travel The World is poised to be the leading Global Destination Informational Web Site on the entire net. Leaving behind the bland traditional web site design, Let’s Go Travel The World displays more than 200,000 unique custom designed pages covering all aspects of every major global city. Let’s Go Travel The World can offer Your Company a distinctive and prominent media presence on the most extensive informational web site there is. By covering every major location on the globe with photos, maps, transportation and travel information updated on a constant basis, Let’s Go Travel The World will become the leader in planning everyone’s next journey, whether it be for travel, relocation or research.

Let’s Go Travel The World is not affiliated or associated with any Travel Agency or Tour Operator. This allows for open, transparent and non-restrictive advertising campaigns by all companies involved in the Travel & Tourism industry.

All ad placements are priced based on ads being displayed on a monthly insertion basis. With a limited amount of available ad space per page, pre-booking of desired prime locations is highly recommended. Ads of questionable or unsuitable nature will be refused as to maintain the highest level of content on the Let’s Go Travel The World site.

Our main goal is to provide customer satisfaction by providing our viewers with the most up to date, comprehensive listing of destination information, while at the same time providing our advertisers with a prime venue to display their advertising media.

Over the next year Let’s Go Travel The will be adding an extensive line of additional features to aid in customer service as well as providing additional areas for our advertisers to target their respective audiences.

i) eNewsLetter

ii) Real Estate Coverage

iii) Global Employment Listings

iv) “Share Your Travel Experience”

v) Interactive Forum

and more.......

Should you require any additional information or would like to see any particular areas added, please don’t hesitate to contact us at the following address:

For all Advertising enquiries, or to request a Media Kit
please contact:
Ad Sales at Let's Go Travel The World

or email:

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